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Vocal Arts of Fairfax

Harmonizing Lives | Inspiring Communities

Vocal Arts of Fairfax provides community-focused, accessible and inclusive choral performances. We seek to build unity among our singers and to create an inspired environment for our audiences. Directed by Michael Ehrlich, our mission includes community care outreach initiatives as part of its core. Vocal Arts of Fairfax does not require auditions.

This adult chorus of 120 singers performs a variety of genres, including traditional choral literature, American folk songs and spirituals, music of different cultures, vocal jazz, and Broadway.

Along with bringing choral music to the community, the ensemble embraces the true meaning of community by seeking diversity in its make-up and in its repertoire. Additionally, the ensemble will embrace all elements of our community to foster inclusiveness, to help those in need, and to share our love of the choral art. All levels and voice parts are welcome.

Established on July 1, 2024, the VAF has a full schedule of performances for their 2024-2025 inaugural season.

2024-25 Season, Upcoming Performance

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Springfield, VA


A vibrant tribute to the creativity, resilience, and innovation of artists whose works have shaped music history and continue to inspire today. The program will span various genres—classical, jazz, gospel, folk, and contemporary pieces—each composition illuminating the unique cultural perspectives and experiences of its creator. From the soulful depth of traditional spirituals to the bold, modern harmonies of contemporary works, the concert will offer audiences a dynamic and inclusive musical journey. This celebration of composers of color would not only honor their contributions but also amplify their voices, showcasing the transformative power of diversity in the arts.

Meet Our
Artistic Director

Artistic Director, Vocal Arts of Fairfax
Conductor, Vocal Arts Ensemble
& Vocal Arts Singers

Meet Our
Artistic Director

Artistic Director,
Vocal Arts of Fairfax
Vocal Arts Ensemble
& Vocal Arts Singers

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$500 - Sponsor
$1000 - Ambassador


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© 2024 Vocal Arts of Fairfax