About Vocal Arts Ensemble

Vocal Arts Ensemble


Under the direction of Michael Ehrlich, this adult chorus of 120+ singers performs a variety of genres, including traditional choral literature, American folk songs and spirituals, music of different cultures, vocal jazz, and Broadway.

Along with bringing choral music to the community, the ensemble embraces the true meaning of community by seeking diversity in its make-up and in its repertoire. Additionally, the ensemble will embrace all elements of our community to foster inclusiveness, to help those in need, and to share our love of the choral art.

Auditions for the Vocal Arts Ensemble are held by appointment to determine the voice part. Singers of all levels and voice ranges are welcome.

The Vocal Arts Singers are a smaller auditioned group of about 20 people within the VAE. Auditions are held by appointment.

Please email artisticdirector@vocalartsfairfax.org to set up a time.

Andrew Miller



Dr. Andrew Miller, a native of Springfield, Virginia, is a highly accomplished pianist whose versatility and commitment to musicianship are exhibited by his active participation as a soloist, accompanist, chamber musician, and instructor in the Northern Virginia area. Dr. Miller achieved his D.M.A in Piano Performance at George Mason University in December of 2018 under the tutelage of Dr. Anna Balakerskaia. His dissertation explored the Preludes and Fugues of contemporary composer Nikolai Kapustin, comparing the implementation of compositional devices to the fugues of Dmitri Shostakovich and J.S. Bach. During his studies at GMU, Andrew was selected as a winner of the 2016 GMU Concerto Competition and performed for the Scholarship Benefit Concert with the Mason Symphony Orchestra in May of that year. Dr. Miller was a winner of the GMU Concerto Competition in 2013 and performed Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue in the Young Masters Concert before the completion of his Master of Music in Piano Performance (May 2013). He participated as a performer and chamber musician in the Orfeo International Music Festival held in Vipiteno, Italy (2011).

In May 2010, Dr. Miller graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from Christopher Newport University. Under the tutelage of CNU professors, Dr. Jeffrey Brown and Dr. Amanda Halstead, Dr. Miller won the CNU Concerto/Aria Competition twice and was given the privilege of performing Beethoven’s Third Piano Concerto and Gershwin’s Concerto in F with the Christopher Newport University Orchestra. In addition to his orchestral recognition, Dr. Miller received first place in the annual Friends of Music Scholarship Recital and was nominated two times for the “People’s Choice” Award. He has performed various musicals for TheaterCNU including the production of Urinetown (2007) as a member of the “Pit Stop Band” and was Assistant Musical Director for their production of Little Shop of Horrors (2008). During the spring of 2009, he was chosen by the faculty and was inducted into the honorary music fraternity Pi Kappa Lambda, which recognizes students for their advanced academic and musical accomplishments. In addition to his keyboard experiences, he enjoyed playing trombone as a member, and later as a drum major (2009), of the CNU Marching Captains.

Today, Dr. Miller maintains a private studio of 30 local students, as well as working as a vocal coach/accompanist for GMU private voice studios (2011-present), and Virginia Hills Baptist Church (2012-present). In addition to his professional coaching, Andrew has appeared as a soloist/accompanist for the concert series “Music for the Angels” at the National Swedenborgian Church in Washington D.C. Dr. Miller has also been involved in the Mason Community Arts Academy’s summer piano camp since 2016, where he teaches private lessons, theory, history, and coaches piano ensembles.


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